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High performance automotive grade controller, adopting Infineon TC377 microcontroller, 32-bit, three cores, main frequency 300MHz, Flash 6MB, RAM 1136KB, EEPROM 256KB, with rich I/O resources, including 4 channels of CAN communication, 5 channels of power output, 36 channels of analog and digital input, 36 channels of high and low side output, and Ethernet input protection level up to IP67;

Suitable for application scenarios: the construction machinery, the mobile lifting work platform, the electric forklift, the aerial elevator, and the agricultural machinery.

Product introduction

Adress:Zone A,No.10,Weiwu Road,Microelectronics Industrial Zone,Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area,Tianjin,300385,P.R.China                                                All rights reserved:Tianjin Yidingfeng Powertrain Technology Co.,Ltd.        IPC filing:津ICP备2021002978号       Pubilc security filing:12011102000438