
VCU5000 can integrate the main board function of BMS and is suitable for pure electric vehicles and hybird vehicles with a power supply system of 12V based on the development technology and experience
VCU4300 is suitable for pure electric and hybrid electric vehicles with a power supply system of 12V based on the development technology and experience a number of years.
The VCU4200 is suitable for pure electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles with a power supply system of 12V.

Adress:Zone A,No.10,Weiwu Road,Microelectronics Industrial Zone,Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area,Tianjin,300385,P.R.China                                                All rights reserved:Tianjin Yidingfeng Powertrain Technology Co.,Ltd.        IPC filing:津ICP备2021002978号       Pubilc security filing:12011102000438